Words #1

Back when I was in middle school, I was lucky enough to come across a new trend amongst my classmates. Some of them had started wearing fake specs, which apparently complimented their looks. They took selfie(s), slightly adjusted their glasses to look more attentive and did all sorts of holla-hubba. However, the trend didn't last long. They had gotten bored of it by a month's time. 

Humans can be really unreasonable with their thinking sometimes. We do things that we want to, then when we get bored of it, we stop, not even thinking for once why did we stop. 

Just like a speeding biker will never know the pain of a paralyzed patient on a wheelchair, just like a dishonest police officer will never know the pain of a militant who's life constantly hangs by a thread, just like a careless thug spending money needlessly on booze and drugs doesn't know the pain of his father who frequently skips lunch to avoid debts.
My classmates never realized how lucky they were to have the opportunity of enjoying a clear vision. They never realized the burden of depending on an inanimate object to see what they had the chance of seeing with their naked eyes. Perhaps they never even tried wondering what goes inside a blind man's heart. 

Its almost funny and the problem is we aren't reasonable enough. God has made everyone equal, but not everyone gets equal chances and opportunities in life and what we need to do is make the best of our opportunities. 


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